Sunday, November 15, 2015

Nutrition and Disease

Life can be lived in a more abundant way or in a more difficult way due to complications of health.  Our health is a compilations of genes and the choices we make.  Having a healthy lifestyle, which includes both eating healthy and physical activity, is essential to life although many Americans struggle with this goal.  It is very important to have the best of health so you can live a full life without many sicknesses or limitations.  A healthy diet is important although many people do not realize that what goes in the body is fuel.   
Putting “bad” fuel into and engine is almost considered a sin  because we need our vehicles to run for a very long time and the vehicles take us where we need to go.  
It should be the same for our bodies, however the same importance is not attributed to our bodies.  Bad fuel or dieting includes not eating enough, not eating enough of the right things and overeating, etc.  Lacking particular vitamins and nutrients put up a block in our overall health as well.  If we choose to eat smarter and lead an active lifestyle, our bodies will “thank” us by breaking down or attracting different diseases.  Proper nutrition is definitely rewarding and allows you the time and ability to see a wonderful life and enjoy your loved ones.  Many African Americans suffer from sugar diabetes especially in the more unfortunate families.  “Healthy foods cost more than the unhealthy foods (Carthron, D., Johnson, T., Hubbart, T., Strickland, C., & Nance, K. 2010)” and in a less fortunate home the caregiver may not have the choice of choosing smarter.  Foods are a big part in a healthy lifestyle and this lifestyle should be made affordable to everyone everywhere.
Carthron, D., Johnson, T., Hubbart, T., Strickland, C., & Nance, K. (2010). “Give Me Some Sugar!” The Diabetes Self-Management Activities of African-American Primary Caregiving Grandmothers. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship, 42(3), 330-337 8p. doi:10.1111/j.1547-5069.2010.01336.x

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